tisdag 17 januari 2017

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

For the next five weeks you are going to read the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, by Sherman Alexie. Every week you will talk about the novel in small groups, and to prepare for that you are to do the following:

  • Pick out quotes from the novel while you read. Be prepared to tell your group what happened right before and after the quote, so that they are familiar with the situation. Tell the group why you chose this quote. E.g. what made it stick with you? What does it mean? What does it mean to you? Depending on the quote – why do you think Alexie chose to write it like this?
  • Write down at least five words you don’t know and their definition. Also write down the sentences from the novel where the words are used, to show the words in a context.
  • Prepare at least two questions to discuss in your group.

Make sure to take notes while you read, so that you are well prepared!

You can also listen to the novel on http://esl-bits.net/ESL.English.Learning.Audiobooks/Absolutely.True.Diary/indice.html

How far to read, and for when:

24th January: p. 47 (Finish the chapter called “Go Means Go”)
31st January: p. 98 (Finish the chapter called “Slouching Toward Thanksgiving”)
7th February: p. 134 (Finish the chapter called “Don’t Trust Your Computer”)
14th February: p. 178 (Finish the chapter called “Valentine Heart”)
28th February: p. 230 (Finish the novel)

Happy reading!


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